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S.H.I.T.S. #230 (232)


S.H.I.T.S. #230 (232)
Sat, 5. September 2020, 16:00 h


S.H.I.T.S. #230 (232) - 5th Sept '20 - 16:00

Hello, hello!!
Hooky, your new Saturday Hash in the Summer, a.k.a. S.H.i.T.S., GM welcomes you all to the new S.H.i.T.S reign of terror!!!
Next season there will be good beer, bad wine, short trails and long circles. Maybe a campout, maybe a S.H.i.T.S weekend, and definitely a ferry run. Suggestions are welcome for hashes, locations, extra-curricular meetings?
Send me an email with your ideas This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Let’s pray to the goats of the hash to take corona away and let us enjoy our next season of the S.H.i.T.S in piece.
Just as a reminder, at the S.H.i.T.S. we:
Never drink alone
Sit in the circle
What doesn’t go in you goes on you*
*not in corona times, we don’t want to waste beer

S.H.i.T.S. #230 (232) (Short site note GMs can't count)
You may have thought the SHITS was done for this year, but you're WRONG. By popular demand and the only democratic vote we will ever have  the S.H.i.T.S. decided to do one special Ferry Run edition next Saturday as a way to Fuck off this S.H.i.TT.y 2020 season.
Just because we liked it and because some of you missed it and we got drunk enough in the last circle, we're doing the SHITS Traditi-anal Firus-Free, Famous, Fuzzy, Fairly, Furry, Fairy, Ferry Run ...AGAIN!
No worries, it's not the same location.
Let's be friends yet again.
You know the drill: come famously fairly dressed in something furry, fairy or fabulous (they're not mutually exclusive btw).

Don't furget to bring:
-Your own drinking vessel, and why not drinks
-Your own seat for the sitting circle
-Proper Covid-manners

Remember we are still doing PHYSICAL DISTANCING.
We don’t know where you have been, who you have been hugging or sleeping with, and we don’t want to get corona from the hash. I don’t care what you do in your free time with your little friends, at the S.H.i.T.S we keep our distance and do not share vessels or drink from the bottles. So BRING YOUR OWN VESSEL! Pimp your vessel if you must…you might get a down down for it 

Hares: Our FurryFerry meisters Love Balls & Wankula

Park&Ride Kleinaustraße, Wiesbaden Schierstein
Kleinaustraße, 65201 Wiesbaden

By car:
Drive to the end of the street that is closer to the river
Please consider taking public transport if you want to drink!!!

By public transport:
From Frankfurt Hbf:
Train VIA RB10 departing from Frankfurt Hbf Platform 23 at 14:53, arriving at Wiesbaden-Schierstein at 15:40.
From Wiesbaden Hbf:
Train VIA RB10 departing from Wiesbaden Hbf Platform 1 at 15:33, arriving at Wiesbaden-Schierstein at 15:40.
Bus from Wiebaden Hbf to Wiesbaden-Schierstein:
Bus 171 14:42 arriving 15:03
Bus 45 15:04 arriving 15:30
Bus 45 15:34 arriving 16:00 (a bit late!)
From the train station Wiesbaden-Schierstein walk about 1km to the On-On:

May the S.H.i.T.S. have a piece!
On On
2nd Row Hooker