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Next Frankfurt HHH Run

Next Frankfurt HHH Run

This is a list for all upcumming Frankfurt H3 Runs as well as Frankfurt Full Moon Hash, D.O.M. and Bike Hash (Bash) Rides!
The regular Frankfurt Hash run fee is 5,- Euro including hash, beer and drinks and some snacks!
If you wanna volunteer as a Hare, check for available dates, contact our beloved Harerasier (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) for further details.



Next S.H.I.T.S.

Next S.H.I.T.S.

This is a list for all upcumming S.H.I.T.S. Runs - Saturday Hash In The Summer!
The regular run fee is 5,- Euro including hash, beer and drinks and some snacks!
If you wanna volunteer as a Hare, check for available dates and contact our beloved GM (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) for further details.



International Events

This table contains mostly selected and some major events.

For a more comprehensive calendar of events please see UK HHH's calendar, Hashspace event list or GoToTheHash.Net.

