FH3 Run # 1780: Hares: Ice Hole and Hanseatic Slut
- Title:
- FH3 Run # 1780: Hares: Ice Hole and Hanseatic Slut
- When:
- Sun, 29. December 2019, 14:30 h
Frankfurt HHH RUN #1780
Hare: Ice Hole and Hanseatic Slut
on on
- Location:
- Frankfurt-Bonames - Alter Flughafen
- Street:
- Am Burghof 55
- Postcode:
- 60437
- City:
- Frankfurt am Main - Bonames
- Country:
- Map:
Show Frankfurt-Bonames - Alter Flughafen on Google Maps
Public Transport: take the U-Bahn U2 direction Bad Homburg and get off at Kalbach…walk approx. 1 km to the old airport
Car: use your finger to type on the navi the address given above and follow the instructions.
Bonames is at the Autobahn A 661 between Frankfurt Preungesheim (American Consulate) and Niedereschbach (IKEA). The Autobahn Exit is Niedereschbach
• Coming from North, “Bad Homburger Kreuz”:
- Take Exit No. 5 “Frankfurt-Nieder-Eschbach/Frankfurt Kalbach/Frankfurt Bonames”
- after 220 m turn left direction „Kalbach“ on the road called „Am Martinszehnten“
- after 710 m turn left on “Kalbacher ...
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