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FH3 Run # 1770: Hare: Just in Beaver


FH3 Run # 1770: Hare: Just in Beaver
Sun, 20. October 2019, 14:30 h


Frankfurt HHH RUN #1770

Hare: Just in Beaver  

We will be back .... Goetheturm once again! :)

on on to a new way to get lost.


Frankfurt - Goetheturm Goetherad
Sachsenhäuser Landwehrweg 1
Frankfurt am Main - Sachenhausen


Parking lot next to Goethrad, opposite the bus stop.


Public Transport:
From Frankfurt HBF take the S-bahn in direction Frankfurt Süd and get off at Lokalbahnhof. Take bus 48 direction Goetheturm and get off at……you got it! GOETHETURM!!! No walking, the hashers will be there on the parking lot!

by Car:
Coming from the Frankfurt city driving up (south) from Wendelsplatz on Darmstädter Landstraße it’s a bit trickier because you can’t make (legal) left turn to Sachsenhäuser Landwehrweg. You need to drive up the hill, pass the Binding Brauhaus on your left. Immediately after Holiday Inn turn left to Südfriedhof. It’s the 6th traffic light counting from Wendelsplatz. Drive left on the one way street keeping the cemetery on your right hand side. Turn right at the T-junction to Altes Schültzenhuttengäßchen. Turn right on Heinrich-Limpert Weg. Turn right on Hainer Weg. From the next junction you can turn left (yippii) to Sachsenhäuser Landwehrweg. Sign says Goetheturm.

Coming from south A3 and A661 enter Frankfurt direction Sachenhausen (F-Süd)via B3 / B459. From Darmstädter Landstraße turn right into Sachsenhäuser Landwehrweg. It’s the first possible right at the traffic lights where there is one of the old Frankfurt watch towers, “The Sachsenhäuser Warte”. Keep on going straight on that road over the next junction and then another 600m or so until your reach the Goetheturm parking. 

Note: Don’t try to use Wendelsweg going towards Goetheturm because it’s a one way street.