FH3 Run # 1737: - St. Patricks Day - Hares: Just in Beaver & Nip Young Cum
- Title:
- FH3 Run # 1737: - St. Patricks Day - Hares: Just in Beaver & Nip Young Cum
- When:
- Sun, 17. March 2019, 14:30 h
Frankfurt Hash House Harriers RUN #1737
St. Patricks Day - it's all in green
Hares: Just in Beaver & Nip Young Cum
- Location:
- Lidl Frankfurt Sachsenhausen Oppenheimer
- Street:
- Oppenheimer Landstr. 77 + 79
- Postcode:
- 60596
- City:
- Frankfurt am Main
- County:
- Hessen
- Country:
MAP: https://goo.gl/maps/hXpP3peHvas
Parking lot of Lidl between Oppenheimer Landstraße and Schweizer Straße in Frankfurt Sachsenhausen.
How to get there?:
USE PUBLIC TRANSPORT: it’s very easy, you don’t have to look for parking and YOU CAN DRINK!!!
Any U-Bahn U1-U2-U3-U8 going to Frankfurt Südbahnhof. Get off at Südbahnhof …duhhh… get out on Mörfelder Landstraße.
So at the back ;) of the station. Turn right and walk to the corner and turn right on Schweizer Straße.
Before the bridge check for the ramp on the left hand side, which is leading to Lidl (it might be signposted).
Walk up the ramp until you see the green people at the car park of Lidl.
CAR: I don’t think it’s a good idea to drive after we’ve drunk all the Guinness in Frankfurt but, if you don’t like having fun then….
Step 1: Remember the hare raiser doesn’t drive and driving around Frankfurt is a nightmare to some, fun to others.
Step 2: Use the linked Google Map (above) by clicking on it - or copy the address on this info!
(Step 3: Paste the address on google maps)
Step 4: Select directions
Step 5: Enter your home address
Step 6: Look at the route
Step 7: Start you vehicle and follow the route to the hash
These directions are sooo good that you can follow the same steps to go back home, just in reverse order.