Frankfurt Wednesday Wanking Hash
- Title:
- Frankfurt Wednesday Wanking Hash
- When:
- Wed, 31. August 2011, 19:00 h - 22:00 h
We are doing it again... and plan to do it now ever other wednesday!
Come in your most colorful hash gear and some money for beer stops on the way :-)
Bring close to change after the run.
Run Fee: 5€
Hares: Automatic Balls & Fishmolester
You are lost? Call AB +49-170-380 41 08
- Location:
- Parkplatz Bertramstrasse / Adickesallee
- Street:
- Adickesallee 40
- Postcode:
- 60322
- City:
- Frankfurt
- County:
- Hessen
- Country:
- Map:
Show Parkplatz Bertramstrasse / Adickesallee on Google Maps
Most easiest place to get there... | Huge parking lot and even a good public transportation.
By U-Bahn:
You can reach Bertramstrasse from downtown Frankfurt or norther territory via U-Bahn (U1, U2, U3 or U8).
Exit Miquel-Adickesallee (A Dicks Alley) / Polizeipräsidum and walk east to next corner... This is aleady Bertramstrasse and you will see the big parking lot just in front of you.
Usually it says "DO NOT ENTER" or Privatparkplatz - Forget about it! Not valid for Hasher!!!!
By Bus:
You can also reach Bertramstrasse by bus. Get off a Bertramstrasse and you're right there!