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FH3 Run 1324 Hare: Mumble Boy


FH3 Run 1324 Hare: Mumble Boy
Mon, 27. June 2011, 19:00 h


Hare’s note:
The midsummer run leads you through cool forest with fantastic views, all kind of green colors, a great variety of flora and places of myths and superstition. The circle is held on a romantic meadow. Features:

- source of life
- castle well and glass head
- best part for competitive running
- the finnish ice hockey team chapel
- mystic playground
- big seat
- my favourite: a wide way turns dramatically into a single trail ending on the Wishing Rock, where wishes come true when you climb it. The more you are on the rock, the more likely whishes come true.

- the walk-on-able wall
- endless downhill way
- an additional 15 minutes loop for eagles with hot wings

Hare’s hints:
- repellents and long trousers could be a clever idea
- suitable for experienced trolleys
- family (founding) friendly
- shortcutting (!) walkers might take a torch with
- where … I am and where is the on on: 0172 65 355 18


Schloßborner Strasse
Map Show Eppstein-Ehlhalten on Google Maps


1km outside of Ehlhalten

1) From Frankfurt take A66 towards Wiesbaden take exit Hattersheim-Ost towards Lorsbach and Eppstein. There is a “Praktiker” on the right hand. Keep straight on L3011 for 7 km passing Kriftel, Lorsbach towards Eppstein. At the end of Eppstein, there is a traffic light. Take the right lane in direction to Vockenhausen, Ehlhalten and Heftrich (L3011) for 5,4 km. 1 km behind Ehlhalten there is a junction to Schlossborn. Just in the corner of this junction there is a parking lot. Hurray – you have found the on on.

2) Coming from Wiesbaden you may head to Niedernhausen, Oberjosbach and Ehlhalten via L3027. In Ehlhalten turn left at the junction to Heftrich (L3011).

3) Another scenic option is using the B8, between Königstein and Glashütten, there is a junction to Schlossborn. In Schlossborn take the direction to Ehlhalten/Heftrich (L3319). Finally this street ends in the street L3011 between Ehlhalten and Heftrich. At the junction, there is the parking lot.

Public Transport

Always use S2 terminating in Niedernhausen (3,90€).

a)    S2 and Bus 805 from Eppstein to Schlossborn. The bus passes the on on, you may ask the driver or leave the bus at the last stop in Ehlhalten and walk 1 km.

Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof tief                        Eppstein-Ehlhalten Königsteiner Straße
17:52 ab                                                18:39 an

b)    The other option is to be picked up from Eppstein Bahnhof. In this case you have to contact the Hare by 15:00h (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 01726535518).

Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof tief                        Eppstein Bahnhof

18:07 ab                                                18:33 an
18:22 ab                                                18:48 an,8.362391&ie=UTF8&t=h&z=16