FH3 Run 1225 Hares Time for Bed & Automatic Balls
- Title:
- FH3 Run 1225 Hares Time for Bed & Automatic Balls
- When:
- Mon, 3. August 2009, 19:00 h - 22:00 h
Time for Bed & Automatic Balls, mobile: +49-170-380 41 08
On After:
Pizzeria Dick und Doof
- Location:
- Bertramswiese
- Street:
- Bertramswiese
- Postcode:
- 60320
- City:
- Frankfurt am Main
- County:
- Hessen
- Country:
- Map:
Show Bertramswiese on Google Maps
Bertramswiese – Parking Hessischer Rundfunk
By Car – Coming A66 from Wiesbaden, exit direction Deutsche Bundesbank / Hessischer Rundfunk. Follow arrows direction Hessischer Rundfunk, also marked as "HR". Passing by Deutsche Bundesbank and Geldmuseum, you continue straigth and cross over Eschenheimer Landstrasse into Marbachweg. At the first traffic light you turn right (watch for crazy cyclists!) – you will see Bertramswiese and car park on the left hand side after 250meters.
By Public Transport – U5 until station "Hauptfriedhof" cross Eckenheimer Landstrasse and walk to your right Eckenheimer Landstrasse north. Turn left on Kühhornshofweg and than right into Feldgerichtstrasse. Stay on this road which will lead to the left into Bertramswiese. Pass by the soccer field and you will see the car park.
U1 / U2 / U3 get off at station "Dornbusch" and go through the underpass to the north side and walk up Marbachweg. Than follow directions "by car" :-) – BUT, please stay on the sidewalk!
BUS 32 (I believe) at station "Bertramstrasse" and walk up all the way until you reach Hessischer Rundfunk. You will see the car park!
WALKING from the "Siedlung". Turn right and stay also on the sidewalk - watch cars, cyclists, children and dog shit! Continue all the way straigh to the underpass at Eschenheimer Landstrasse. Try to find the right way in and right way out – othersiwe good luck crossing the Eschenheimer Landstrasse. Once you are at the other side, continue on Marbachweg unti first traffic light. Turn right and walk until you see or hear some hasher - waiting already for you!