P&R parking
An der Gehespitz 20, 63263 Neu-Isenburg
Map: http://goo.gl/maps/E7NsFAv2zTK2
Car / Driving / Bike:
Follow Google Maps or you navigation system to the given adress or use: https://goo.gl/maps/E7NsFAv2zTK2
Easiest from downtown Frankfurt, A3 and A5 via B44 and L3117 towards Neu-Isenburg.
Or from Frankfurt Sachsenhausen via Darmstädter Landstraße, Friedensallee, Kurt-Schumacher-Straße, and than a short bit on L3117.
By train:
Take S-Bahn S3 or S4 from Frankfurt or Darmstadt or RB.
Check www.rmv.de for your iternary and schedule.