Parking lot at Höchster Weg / end of Schwanheimer Ufer, across Kleingartenanlage.
Take A66 towards Frankfurt. At Kriftler Dreieck follow signs for the Airport; leave A66 and follow B40 towards Frankfurt - Griesheim. Take exit „Schwanheim Niederrad Goldstein“, turn left at the end of the ramp, look for Hashers and a parking lot 300m up on your left.
From A5 (North or South): Stay on A5 until it meets A3. Take A3 towards Frankfurt Airport. At the airport, follow signs for Kelsterbach, get on the B43 and follow until you see signs for B40 and Frankfurt - Höchst / Frankfurt Griesheim. Follow the B40 towards Frankfurt - Griesheim. Take exit „Schwanheim Niederrad Goldstein“, turn left at the end of the ramp, look for Hashers and a parking lot 300m up on your left.
Go west along the Main / Mainuferstraße , past Frankfurt - Niederrad, Goldstein and Schwanheim. Go under the B40 bridge and look for Hashers and a parking lot 200m up on your left.
Bus 51, Stop „Alter Friedhof Schwanheim" + about 200m. It is about 1.5 Kms NW of the end of the Tram lines 12 and 19 (Strassenbahn).